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News Archive 2014

Canute Movember 2014

. 9th December 2014

Over the last few years W.Bro Steve Hill has grown his Movember moustache and encouraged members to donate to his 'Canute' account on the Movember web site. This year he decided he wanted to go one better and challenged each of the Canute members to grow a moustache and to get sponsorship. Once again, a Movember 'Canute' account was opened and the aim was to raise in excess of £200.00 from the Lodge.

Well, as you will see from this photo taken at our Installation Meeting, the response to the challenge exceeded all expectations and so did the amout raised. W.Bro Steve was astounded to see a final balance of £800.00 has been donated.  



This money will go to help fund programs working to improve the lives of men affected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health issues. Well done to everyone who took part, to everyone who donated and especially to W.Bro. Steve for coming up with such a brilliant fund raising idea. I wonder what we can do to beat that next year?  I'm sure W.Bro Steve has a plan.

Congratulations on Provincial Honours

. 9th December 2014

Hearty congratulations are due to three of our members who have received Provincial Honours.

W.Bro. Steve Hill has been appointed as Provincial Junior Grand Deacon. 

W.Bro. Gary Frost has been promoted to Past Provincial Deputy Grand Sword Bearer.

W.Bro. Roger Howlett has been promoted to Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden.

The appointments will take place at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex at Great Queen Street on 26th March 2015.

Revision to timing of GP Committee meetings

. 9th December 2014

It has been our usual custom to hold our GP meeting on the Saturday morning after the meeting.

Due to work commitments it is likely that the Master and Wardens will be unlikely to be available at this time and this situation will be ongoing through 2015/16.

In discussion with various senior members and with the agreement of the Lodge DC/Preceptor of the L of I and his assistant, it has been agreed that for the foreseeable future the GP meeting will be held on the evening of the first Thursday following a Lodge meeting, at 8.00pm, thus replacing the L of I.

By transferring the GP meeting from a Saturday morning to a Thursday evening there will be a saving of approx £100. It also has the added benefit of freeing up Saturday mornings. Non GP members of the L of I will also get a night off!

Would you please note the change in your diary / calendar. The revised arrangements will also be printed in future Summonses.

News Archive
